Game Among Us 2 - Among Us Gaming. Among Us 2s gameplay was going to be very similar to the original Among Us but with upgraded features. Impostors Run Super Fast.
Impostors Run Super Fast. Innersloth had planned for the servers to be much larger and with more players in a match than the 10 player limit in Among Us at the time with the sequel reaching for a 12 to 15 player limit with multiple ImpostorsMultiple modes and roles were also planned as well. 100 4 months ago.
This category has a surprising amount of top among us games that are rewarding to play.
By the way you need to choose a location by yourself if you fail to it. This game will show you that it can be much more dangerous than you imagined. Among Us 2 is a very intense visual noveldocumentary figure out who the imposter is. Bigby and Snow are finally back for the long awaited second season of Telltales The Wolf Among Us based on the popular DC Fables comic seriesign TheGame.